Swim Team Board Positions
All members of the board are responsible for assisting their fellow board members to ensure that all tasks are completed so the team runs successfully. Tasks will often be delegated to committees / volunteers but ultimate responsibility remains with the elected board members.
The President is the administrator of the team and is responsible for its operation. The President shall also be a coordinator, delegator, and “watch dog” to ensure that all team business is handled.
- Schedules swim team board meetings for the months of January, February, March, April, May, June, and August, with additional meetings as needed;
- Establishes the agenda for meetings and gives to Secretary for distribution;
- Acts as ex-officio member of all committees;
- Assists in resolving team issues and concerns;
- Communicates the wishes of the board to the coaches;
- Leads the parent night, awards ceremony, and spirit nights;
- Acts as alternate pool representative to the Chattanooga Area Swim League;
- Leads in the recruiting, screening, and setting of salary for coaching positions;
- Attends the CYF board meetings at least once per year and gives updates to the board members;
- Attends all swim meets to proactively manage potential issues.
Vice President
The Vice President supports the President.
- Assists the Board President with all aspects of team management including but not limited to agenda formation, policy concerns, team issues, goal setting, and serving as a sounding board to balance decisions;
- Contacts the board/coaches during preseason to verify intent to return;
- Works closely with the volunteer coordinator to ensure that all opportunities are equitably spread among families and all jobs are filled;
- Attends all swim meets to proactively manage potential issues.
Treasurer (Teresa Allen)
The Treasurer oversees the team bank account, income, and expenditures.
- Collects all revenues and deposits funds in the team bank account;
- Disburses appropriate funds as necessary to run the team. At least two officers, Treasurer and President, shall be authorized to monitor the bank account and sign checks on behalf of the team;
- Coordinates with First Cumberland to ensure coaches are paid per IRS regulations;
- Oversees the collection of swim team pool memberships and donations to First Cumberland and distributes collected money and information to the appropriate entity;
- Obtains approval from the board for any abnormal or excessive expenditure requests;
- Prepares a simple income/expense summary for presentation at the January Board meeting and whenever it may be deemed necessary;
- Maintains current insurance policy and sees that the insurance premium is paid annually;
- Coordinates with the Pool Representative to ensure that all league fees are paid promptly and all required documentation is submitted to the league;
- Identifies and pays one life guard for every team event (other than practices) being held at the Cumberland pool;
- Has overall responsibility for awards, swag, t-shirts, swim caps, the banquet, and fundraising as well as concession stand management, purchases, and expenditures.
The Secretary takes minutes during Board meetings and coordinates team communication.
- Prepares board meeting minutes and presents at the next Board meeting for approval;
- Sends reminder one week prior to each Board meeting sharing date, time, place, and agenda;
- Maintains a running list of all Board action items;
- Arranges for a meeting place for all board and team meetings;
- Coordinates personal niceties such as thank you notes, cards for special events, coaches gifts, and senior night;
- Leads all team communication including announcements, social media, and website maintenance;
- Coordinates identification and sales of the team swim suit;
- Ensures that families who have not rsvp’d for meets and other events are personally contacted;
- Collects photographs and works with coaches to put together the season slide show;
- Assists coaches with printing and communications for meets and the award ceremony.
Pool Representative (Nick Chrzan)
The Pool Representative is the team’s delegate to the Chattanooga Area Swim League.
- Actively attends all meetings of the Chattanooga Area Swim League board acting as the voice of the swim team to the league;
- Submits all necessary information, documentation, and monetary disbursements to the league;
- Acts as the information conduit to and from the league and the team board;
- Gathers input on potential league policy changes from the swim team board and represents the team when voting as a part of the league board;
- Coordinates with other league pool representatives, as well as the team board and coaches, in setting the season schedule and in making adjustments as needed due to inclement weather and other unforeseen circumstances;
- Is knowledgeable about and ensures that the team complies with all league rules and regulations;
- Attends all swim meets to proactively manage potential issues.