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    Practice Schedule

    Regular Season Practices:

    • Practices begin on Tuesday, May 28th and continue through Thursday, July 11th (no practice on July 4th)
    • Information about our Groups (Ripples, Waves, and Kahunas) is at the bottom of this page.
    • Morning Practice: Monday thru Thursday
      • Ripples: 8:30-9:30am
      • Waves: 8:00-9:30am
      • Kahunas: 7:30-9:15am
    • Evening Practice: Tuesday and Wednesday
      • Ripples: 7:00-8:00pm
      • Waves & Kahunas: 7:00-8:30pm

    Swimmer Assessment:

    • Coaches will be assessing each swimmer (both new and returning) at the beginning of their first practice. This will give us a chance to place athletes in the best group for their age and experience level and to talk with swimmers and parents about group expectations and how to advance on the team! Please bring your swimmer to the group that seems to fit best based on the descriptions below and coaches will take it from there!


    Swimmers are divided into groups by the coaches based on both skill/experience level and age.

    • Ripples (Coach Julie): The Ripples are our youngest & least experienced swimmers. Generally swimmers in this group are 8 years old and under. Practices will focus on learning the 4 competitive strokes (Freestyle, Backstroke, Breaststroke, and Butterfly). Must be able to swim 10 yards independently in deep water. However, only swimmers who can independently swim 25 meters (50 meters if older than 10) are eligible to swim in meets.
    • Waves (Coach Andrea & Coach Zach): The Waves are our middle group of swimmers.  Generally swimmers in this group are 9 to 12 years old. Practices will focus on stroke development and technique, starts, and turns. To join the Waves, swimmers should be able to swim 50 meters of freestyle and backstroke without stopping.
    • Kahunas (Coach Elizabeth & Coach Zach): The Kahunas are our oldest & most experienced swimmers.  Generally swimmers in this group are 13 to 18 years old. Practices will be customized to challenge each swimmer, focusing on endurance, stroke refinement, starts, turns, and finishes. To join the Kahunas, swimmers should be able to legally swim all 4 competitive strokes. They should also be able to swim at least 200 meters without stopping.
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