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    CASL Bill Caulkins City Meet, July 12-13th

    • Schedule: Below is the broad timeline for this year's meet. Expected timelines for specific swim events are available here. Please remember that all times are approximate - especially later in the day. You should arrive at the pool at least 30 minutes before warm-ups are scheduled to begin.
      • Friday (Mixed Free Relay, IM, Breaststroke, Long Freestyle, Medley Relay)
        • Morning Session (10 & Under) Warm-ups in Lane 1: 7:20-7:40am
        • Morning Session Begins: 8:30am
        • Afternoon Session (11 & Up) Warm-ups in Lane 8: 12:20-12:40pm
        • Afternoon Session Begins: 1:10pm
        • Evening Session (Finals) Warm-ups: 5:15pm
        • Senior Recognition: 6:00pm
        • Evening Session Begins: 6:30pm
      • Saturday (Freestyle, Butterfly, Backstroke, Free Relay)
        • Morning Session (10 & Under) Warm-ups in Lane 4: 7:40am-8:00am
        • Morning Session Begins: 8:30am
        • Coaches Relay: 11:30am
        • Afternoon Session (11 & Up) Warm-ups in Lane 6: 12:45-1:05pm
        • Afternoon Session Begins: 1:15pm
        • Evening Session (Finals) Warm-ups: 4:15pm
        • Jennifer Fugate Award: 5:15pm
        • Evening Session Begins: 5:45pm
    • Crash Area: A map showing Cumberland's Crash area (where swimmers and families can hang out between events) is available here. Please note we are in a different location than in previous years. The crash area will be available for setup starting at 4pm on Thursday (7/11), and you can leave your stuff there through the conclusion of the meet on Saturday night. While this area should be safe, we do not recommend leaving anything valuable as neither the Fort Oglethorpe Pool nor Cumberland can be responsible for the security of your belongings.
    • Volunteering: Cumberland is required to provide 1 volunteer timer for each session. Timers get to be on the pool deck and have the best view of the action. If you are interested in timing for part or all of session at City Meet, please contact [email protected].
    • Weather: Since this year's City Meet is being held outdoors, be prepared for the heat and for possible schedule delays if thunderstorms pop-up.
    • Parking: The Fort Oglethorpe Pool will have ample parking, but you may have a bit of a walk from your car to the pool. Please be mindful not to park in prohibited areas. We do not want any of our families to be ticketed or towed.
    • Warm-ups: Please plan to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled warm-up time. This will give you plenty of time to park, set up your space in Cumberland’s crash area, and get your swimmer ready for warm-ups.
    • Coaches: Coaches will be on the pool deck throughout the meet. So, it is your responsibility to help your swimmer get to their events on time. Please listen carefully for event announcements so you will know when your swimmer's event is coming up. Swimmers should head to the pool deck as soon as the "First Call" for their event is announced. Also, please encourage your swimmer to talk to their coaches after each event they swim. There might even be candy!
    • Heat Sheets: Heat sheets are now available on the CASL website! You are highly encouraged to print out the heat sheet and highlight your swimmer's events for easy access!
    • Clerk of Course: Swimmers in the morning (10 and under) and evening (Finals for all ages) will report to the clerk of course next to the diving board. Each heat will then proceed from the clerk of course to the blocks as a group. Swimmers in the afternoon session (11 and over) will go directly to the blocks.
    • Relays: Coaches will assign relays at the meet to create teams with the fastest possible times. Please do not leave the pool until you have verified that your swimmer is not on a relay (no matter what you see in the heat sheet). Also, swimmers should always stay with their relay teams, cheering on their teammates, until the last swimmer exits the pool. It is very poor sportsmanship to leave a relay while your team is still in the water.
    • Finals: Evening finals will be held for all events except for 6&Under Back/Free, Friday’s long freestyle (all ages), and the 8&Under individual medley. The top 16 swimmers for each individual event and the top 8 relay teams will advance to finals. If your swimmer makes finals, you will need to confirm your swimmer’s intent to attend within 30 minutes of the results being posted.
    • Sharpies: You will need a sharpie to write your swimmer’s name, team (“CYF”), and age on their shoulder so that meet volunteers can easily identify your swimmer. You should also write your swimmer’s event numbers & names, heats, and lanes on their forearm or thigh so they will have easy access to this information on the pool deck. For example, a swimmer might have:
    • Event Heat Lane
      43 5 2 50 Fly
      49 7 6 50 Free
      55 6 8 50 Back
    • Spectating: Bleachers will be available on the pool deck for watching swimming only. Please be courteous and avoid camping out / leaving your stuff on the bleacher seats.
    • Concessions: Concessions will be available during the meet. You are also welcome and encouraged to bring coolers to the crash area (but not to the bleachers).
    • Supplies: Don't forget a swim suit (tie-back suits and suits advertising other teams are not allowed), a swim cap (plain, Cumberland, or no cap), goggles, towels (extra towels are highly recommended), a water bottle, a sharpie, and healthy snacks.
    • Year Round Swimming: If your swimmer is interested in continuing to swim after the summer season is over, several local year round swim teams including Baylor and McCallie/GPS will have tents set up at the meet. Please stop by to learn more!
    • Results: Live meet results will be available via the "Meet Mobile" phone app. This is an app that many of our year round swim families will already have installed on their phones.
    • Complete meet information is available on the CASL website.
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