
    Swim Team Board Meeting - Saturday 1/4

    Happy New Year Currents!

    We'll be holding a meeting this Saturday, January 4th in the library at the Church (same room as last time) from 1-3pm. This meeting is for anyone interested in being a part of the swim team board for the 2025 season. While those interested in coaching are welcome to join us, this meeting will focus entirely on board positions. A meeting for current and potential coaches will be called soon.

    Our nomination process resulted in a single candidate for secretary. Mindy Brown will serve in that roll for 2025. Thank you Mindy!!!

    We did not get any volunteers for President. However, each of our 3 candidates for Vice President (Ashley Bennett, Nicole Redmon, and Joe Shudan) has expressed some willingness to serve in that capacity -- with reservations about the many expectations of the position as currently written. The most important part of Saturday's meeting will be figuring out the president role. In particular, what is the best path forward for Ashley, Nicole, and Joe to bring their talents, expertise, and enthusiasm to our board! We are so incredibly grateful that they have all stepped up!!!

    We will also discuss adding new positions to our board (in addition to our existing volunteer coordinator positions) to better distribute the workload. These may include: Concessions Stand Manager, Fundraising Coordinator, Marketing Coordinator, Registration Coordinator, Website Manager, Meet Director, and Social/Events Chair. If you are interested in filling any of these roles, we would love to see you at the meeting!

    We look forward to seeing y'all on Saturday!

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